Tuesday, December 17, 2013

{Morning interlude of contentment}
No, this is nice
this is nice
this is nice
1. On the windowseat, stretched on stomach.
2. Reading, and there is poetry.
3. iPad playing soothing classical music.
4. Soft snowflakes falling softly beside my head.
I will get up and brush my teeth
Which are fuzzy because I wasn't allowed to go to sleep
until really late, and then I just ate an apple instead of brushing.
Maybe after that I will do yesterday's dishes.
If stacked with skill, there is room on my kitchen counter.
There is a demon knocking
but I will keep my mind
this is nice
this is nice
this is nice


  1. I often think contentment is more to be desired than happiness. I hope yours lasts.

  2. If contentment is fleeting, at least I tasted it, and must be content with that.
    Thank you.

  3. I love your writing style! The language is simple, yet you use it to so effectively capture scenes and emotions. It's filled with raw truth.
