Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mar. 24
Do not seek to console me
by saying he is in a better place
and free of the miseries of this world,
then tell me I have much reason to live
by all the beauty around me,
and the ones still here and dear to me;
that exactly is why I mourn his life lost
that had so much yet to see.
(So much yet to be and love,
and loved ones to be needed.)

Apr. 14
Why does God bless me?
How is it I can call this land mine, these fields, these woods?
Why do the branches shine for me against the sun?
The slow melting snow
glitter-pearl bedecked
ice-lace bedraped
making walking difficult for distraction,
the glory of its beauty.

The small log cabin
where I bend down to lay and light the fire
which restores my soul.

I continue my walk,
greeted by a sunning squirrel
and then its mate springing up to join
in a warm sleepy eyed ignoring of the human intruder.

When I am unproductive here
swinging my idle hands as I walk these woods
why does God bless me
with what I do not deserve?

Later, on the way home:
Pileated Woodpecker on Poplar!

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