Sunday, March 2, 2014

Last summer's hazelnut and shadow.
The Birthday
The hours pass since you are gone
The days and years are moving on
But I do not nor does the pain
Of never you with us again
The sun shines, wind blows, rain will fall
We get together, smiles and all,
But ache remains and always will
The shock loss sorrow slay us still.


  1. Long time since I left a word or two here Hermina. Two such words would be grace, and peace. The Grace of God is, we are told, sufficient. Sometimes that can only be taken on trust. The Peace of God passeth all understanding, and yet, can seem elusive enough to feel absent. Faith I think is to hold on to these two words, believing that grace and peace are the gift of God, and somewhere in the subterranean depths of our deepest sadness and heartfelt longing, we are, nevertheless, held. Shalom, a wish for the wellness of all those you love, and for you. Jim

  2. Thank you so much, Jim, for your beautiful words of encouragement. Most of the time this is truth I can believe (and may my unbelief be helped).
