Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sundogs. A favourite phenomenon.
I wasn't
Then I was
Then I used to be

Life is for holding on to
Life is for letting go

Learn to see God in the beauty
Feel the comfort of God in the no

Taste the fear of our fragile existence
Hear the emptiness speak of may be

You are all alone in the cosmos?
You are loved You are precious You are me

I used to be
Then I wasn't
Then I used to be


  1. What a beautiful poem! I love the whole thing, but especially "Feel the comfort of God in the no" and "Hear the emptiness speak of may be". And I've never seen sundogs--amazing!

  2. Thank you, Serena. The sundogs were so amazing I pulled my car over on a country road and took the time to get some photos, which really do not do it justice. I couldn't believe there weren't cars pulled over everywhere.
