I'm weary from weeping, but the king awaits.
Unworthy but called, I enter his gates
to offer my service, poor as it may be,
for I love the king deeply, though much more he loves me.
This king needs no counsel; his own word is wise
and willingly given as the need will arise.
And I do not serve him to gain a reward
(although it is promised). There is no other lord
so worthy of allegiance, so true to his word.
At sight of my suffering his compassion is stirred
and his sword lifted up, evil brought to its knees,
for all who would harm me are the king's enemies.
He has fought the same battle that I must face,
a good king who knows all the struggles of this race.
The throng of his followers, faithful, loyal and bold,
is mighty in number, wondrous to behold.
And all have faced hardship and harsh lonely fates;
though weary, they come, for the king awaits.
-HJ Aug.12, 2010
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