Matthew 3:8 "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance."
To follow the One Most Beloved,
also known as Familiar With Sorrow,
must I leave all I value in this life?
Must I give up today for tomorrow?
To follow the Only Begotten,
must I give up on having my own way?
Must I let go my will and desires
to take hold of Thy Will Be Done each day?
To live by the Word Become Flesh,
which became Word spat on, crucified,
must I live in full faithful obedience,
of the Spoken, the Suffering, the Died?
Must I follow by changing direction,
taking up the cross carved just for me,
picking fruit from the tree of repentance
for an offering worthy of Thee?
To follow the Way, Truth and Life,
must I step onto pathways unseen?
So I must, but with help of the Spirit,
go where Jesus before me has been.
-HJ Nov 21, 2010